Thursday, July 12, 2007

Argentina vs. Brasil

The weather was back to normal in Buenos Aires today at a nice cool 8ºC. I spent the last two days walking around the city in search of the supposed best language school this city has to offer. Depending on which map you look at, there seems to be a school on every other corner. Thankfully, I have narrowed it down to three. The next few days are for debating the pros and cons of each one, factoring in price, location, size, class time, group size and overall feel. Then Monday it's back to school.

Tonight was the semi-final match for the Copa America tournament between Argentina and México. Of course, Argentina won 3-0, scoring the first goal near the end of the first half. I watched the fútbol game at the same pub I went to the other night, this time with Tasha, Keegan, and René. Keegan is from Seattle and studied with my second-year Spanish professor in a different class. She put us in touch when he told her he was going to be in Argentina this summer. René is from England and we met on the plane from Atlanta to Buenos Aires. He was hoping to have the whole section to himself because Delta didn't want to let me board, but unfortunately for him I willed my way on. So far his version of that story is something like me sitting down and popping a handful of pills only to become unconscious throughout the majority of a 10-hour flight. The way he tells it is much funnier than the actual experience, and therefore I am able to laugh about it now.

There is one thing that I still haven't figured out about that pub. Somehow they came up with the amount of a $45 peso minimum - per person - in order to watch the game at their establishment. There is no way I could have come close to being able to consume $45 pesos worth of anything in one sitting like that, especially when a liter of beer is like, $10 pesos. Yeah, I can barely drink one liter of beer, let alone two or three, plus food. And, I know the typical Argentina would not be able to throw down $45 pesos just to sit in a bar and watch a fútbol game, so likely they are just asking tourists and foreigners to pay that much. I think they should just charge a cover to let people in to watch.

So Argentina beat México, which means that they are going to play Brazil in the final game. I don't know much about Latin American fútbol rivalries, but I'm pretty sure that Argentina vs. Brazil has the potential to be pretty intense. We'll have to go some place better for that match. There are tons of Brasileros in Argentina, and I think it would be fun to be in a place that had a good mix of both team loyalties. Most importantly is that I am not left in charge of finding such a place, because really I know nothing of sports bars/sports events/sports in general.

¡Viva la Argentina!


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